Learn Your Way With Arwimco Training
More than 77.00 courses
77.00 courses
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01. Customize
02. Technical expertise and experienced trainer
03. Update Professional skill and knowledge
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Email – admin@arwimco.com
We will confirm your registration 1-2 working days.
You can make payment with wire transfer
Payment must be received before the course commences.
Discounts are available more than 2 persons with the same topics
All cancellation is made at least 14 days prior to the start date, and it will be entitled to 80% refund.
Refunds will be processed within 28 days of receiving your request via bank transfer. For cancellations received thirty (30) days prior to start of course, the participant will receive a 100% credit which can be used at other courses in ARWIMCO within twelve (12) months form the date of issuance of such credit
We are pleased to welcome substitute another participant in the same course by notifying ARWIMCO prior to the start date
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